The Milan FFA (Future Farmers of America) is bringing in chickens to Zoology class very soon. The chickens will be coming on September 29, 2021.In order to get the greenhouse ready for the chickens, the students have to clean and build the pens. The jobs they will have to do are: sweeping the pen, putting down floorboards, cleaning buckets, and we have to weigh the chickens. The students have already started on it and are hard at work. The reason why Milan High School does this is because they want people to experience the hard work of raising animals and will eventually have to send them to get butchered. There will be a lot of them so that is why the students are getting the greenhouse ready. There will be two different groups of chickens at the start; there will be start to finish chickens and start right chickens. The students will have the chickens for about 6 weeks. The chicken's health will be monitored carefully during the six weeks by using a data sheet. At the end of the six weeks, the students will fill out a report on how the raising went. The students will split into groups with different foods. The food the turkeys will be eating will be different types of feed which will be mostly grain. The chickens that they will be raising are broiler chickens and these chickens are strictly meat birds. This means that the students will not have to worry about them laying eggs. The chickens will be really small so the students will need to be careful on how much they feed the chickens or else they will have a stroke and die. The chickens will grow from being newborns to being 4-6 pounds in about five weeks since their arrival. There have many instances where chickens have died due to being overfed. There may be some chickens who are either deformed or are smaller than the rest. These chickens will probably die first. At the end of the six weeks, the students will go to a local processing plant to watch the chickens get unfortunately murdered.
