In a nutshell, With theater on their final week of rehearsals, the time is ticking and everyone has different stress levels. Some feel relaxed and excited, others are dreading opening night, which is Thursday, November 18th.
Alden is a lead cast member and feels that definitely around this time, (A week before show night) is the most stressful, but it’s stressful in a good way. They are all for sure tired at the end of each long rehearsal but during the rehearsal is when it’s the most fun, laughs and most memorable. Spending longer times with each other helps the cast bond together more and connect more like friends. So yes, it is very stressful but the awesome cast makes it all worth it.
It’s a little bit different for each role, the cast is pretty settled and just getting the hang of performing the full play with no stops or messing up so it’s very laid back and gives room for laughs. For the crew and the other roles, it’s a little bit more stressful.
Abby’s Willis is the assistant director in the show, her job is to help the director with the show as another pair of eyes to critique the show and make it look the best it can. The thing that caused her the most stress was giving notes/ telling the cast things they can improve on because she didn't want to come off as rude. The big role she’s taking on is also stressful in itself because what the cast do on stage are the directions she and Dennis gave them so it’s especially important for the play to go right for them.
Some of the crew members are also stressed because of the individual roles they have. Some crew does hair and makeup, some crew work backstage moving props and the set on and off stage, others work on a headset and work sound and lights. They all have special things to do