The recent US 23 closure has made it harder for students and staff to get to school on time. On September 10th, 2021, US 23 between Milan and Dundee, exits 17-25, was shut down because two trucks hit opposite sides of the bridge above on August 20th, 2021. Now any traffic going to or from these two areas has to go near or through Milan. Downtown Milan does not contain an MDOT road so therefore, it is not the official detour. The official detour for both north and south-bound traffic is to stick to highways and freeways to hopefully steer people away from going through small towns, however, it is not working very well. Going across town at certain times of the day is a chore at this point, but it could last for a while. Students and staff who live in Milan might have to leave 15-20 minutes earlier than usual to get to school on time. Semis are driving in town and having to make tight turns that they are not made for and the roads are not meant for that large of a vehicle. Because traffic is so unpredictable and because there is little to no time to make adjustments, semis making those sharp turns can get stuck and the traffic getting longer because of that can cause chaos. Hopefully, as time goes on the traffic will get into a better flow and it won’t take nearly as long to get around town. Traffic is slowly lessening as people find back roads or the official detours around Milan however, there aren’t enough people finding these ways. It is still making short 10 minute drives nearly 3 times as long for some, depending on the destination. As of September 28th, US 23 has been reopened.

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