Milan High School’s principal, Mr. Shinn, sent out an email on Friday, November 5th with a new bathroom policy to the entire school. The bathroom policy consists of four new rules. The new bathroom policy is due to an uprising in issues related to the bathrooms. The bathroom policy that the students received though is unjust. There are many flaws within this policy that students are upset about.
The new bathroom policy allows you to have a maximum of ten minutes to get to the restroom, use the restroom, and get back. If students are not back within ten minutes, they will be sent to the office for discussion. “If you are in the restroom for more than ten minutes your teacher will be marking you absent and sending you to the office for a discussion with the building administration.” This is not a fair policy due to everyone's different bathroom usage. Students have food allergies and stomach conditions that can affect the amount of bathroom usage the student has. This is out of the students control, and the students should not feel as though they do not have enough time.
Another rule listed in the bathroom policy is that you can not leave the classroom in the first or last ten minutes of class time. “You will not be allowed to use the restroom during the first ten minutes and the last ten minutes of the class.” This is not the most beneficial time frame, due to the fact that teachers are not as active in teaching in the first or last ten minutes. A lot of the time, teachers have not started their lessons as soon as class starts, and teachers also frequently end their lessons early, and there is plenty of time left in class. With this rule in place, students are more likely to miss the important lessons that are happening in the middle of class.
Students are now having to sign in and out to use the bathroom with the new policy. Students did this in elementary school. High school is all about transitioning students into the college world. In college, there are little to no bathroom restrictions. Eastern Michigan University does not enforce any bathroom policies on their college students. “In class it's known that you can just walk out to use the restroom when you need to, because you don’t want to disrupt the professor.” -Kelsey Miteen, Eastern Michigan University Alumni. A lot of students in high school are almost or are 18 years old, and this is when you become an adult. Adults shouldn’t have to sign in and out to use the restroom.
With this, the Milan High School bathroom policy is improper. Not all students have the same bathroom usage, and can not all stick to a time limit for the bathrooms. The first and last ten minutes are the most beneficial time to not interrupt class. Students are preparing to become adults where bathroom policies do not apply.
