September 21st, 2021
People of Afghanistan and especially women are scared at what the future for their country holds. Some are even trying to flee the country.
After the Taliban took over women from the country are very scared that it will return to what it previously was under the Taliban. Under Taliban control, women weren't able to attend school. And if they defied the Taliban they would receive harsh punishments. A 15 year old girl (Malala Yousafzai, the writer of my source)who tried to speak out against them said that they tried to kill her after. This also jeopardizes their dreams for the future. Without school you can't be what you want to be, knowledge is power. Already people are saying that there are reports of women and students getting turned down for university and work.
This happened because, On august 15th, 2021 the Afghanistan government collapsed and the Taliban took over. Now the Taliban have access to very dangerous equipment. Later on, United States president Joseph Biden said he would pull all troops from Afghanistan. On August 31, 2021, Joe Biden pulled all troops from Afghanistan.
People are fleeing the country by the thousands. Currently, people are pleading that other countries take them in. They also want the areas they can get let into to have schooling for their kids. People also fear that the Taliban will go back to religious teachings only which wont give people the proper education to pursue what they want. People shouldn't have to worry if they can get an education or not. Education should be a basic human right.