Students at Milan High School are able to try out to be on the varsity basketball team. The tryouts will be located in the main gym at the Milan High School starting on Monday, November 15 until five o’clock. There will be multiple days for the tryouts, so make sure to show up to all of them. The coaches want to see who is worthy enough to be on the varsity basketball team. They don’t want any players to want to be on the team for the letter. They want all of the players to want to win a championship.
Make sure to be on time at the gym after school. They want everyone to highly value the game of basketball if they want to be on the team. All of the coaches want their potential players to be able to communicate with others, so that is one of the things they are going to look for in players. There will be no jewelry worn while playing. Make sure to have the appropriate shoes for playing basketball. The basketball team wants to have a good season this year. Some of the seniors say they are ready to really focus up this year to lead their team to success.
The seniors are determined to have a good run for their last season of their high school career. It would be amazing if they could bring another championship to Milan as they got in 2014. Some of the players lost a season due to the pandemic, so they want to get one good season out of their systems before graduating. Everyone is looking forward to some great games of basketball. Even if they don't win any games they will still be trying their best out there on the basketball court. Good luck to any potential Milan varsity basketball players and to anyone that is trying out for the varsity team this year. There will be some tough games this year for the boys and they will need to really work hard if they want to have a good season this year.
