Fed has been working on bees for a while now. His love for animals and the need to grow and know where all of his food is from caused the change for him to want to grow not only all of his own food but his sweets like honey too.
I asked Mr. Federer what was his main reason for getting into the hobby of taking care of his bees.
He replied, “I want to produce and be a part of everything that my family eats and see when they sit down at the table”. I agree with this statement. I do believe that it is so important to know where all of that stuff comes from. He also stated that “ A former student helped get him started with the necessary items and what he needed to do to keep them alive and feel them and help maintain a health hive” he believes that without this student's help this hobby would have never been introduced to him and he would not have taken his journey one steep close to producing 100% of his own food.
Beekeeping is a hard, sometimes dangerous hobby that not a lot of people are always successful at.
So I asked him are you a good beekeeper? '' He replied, “no I am not a good beekeeper I can't seem to find a way to keep my bees alive through the winter”. This is a problem because he has to start a new hive every year because he can't keep them alive. Not only is that frustrating but it can also be expensive to start fresh with new bees every year.
After all of the struggles and hardship of keeping them alive in the winter and the high risk of being stung what is in for you?
I asked him this and he replied “ I enjoy it, it's so great going out and looking at a health hive during the summer”. He also said, “ I get a lot of honey. One year I got 6 gallons of honey just from one hive”. Being able to get that much honey and know what is in your food and what went into growing it and having a sense of pride that it was you that grew that food and not just bought it at the story is why fed continues to stick with it and continues to find new ways to do things at home to continue the neverending tasks of making everything that he eats he had a part of.
