Josh Stuebben
5th hour ela
What's your favorite car or dream car?
I really like the older Chevy cars such as the classic 1957 Chevy Bell Air.
What draws your eye to it and why? ¨I like the bright neon colors that the car comes in, and I also like the wings on the side of the car that go all the way to the back of the tail lights.¨
What draws your eye to it? I like the bright neon colors that the car comes in along with, I also like the sharp pointy wings on the side of the car.
What if that vehicle never was made or produced , what's your next pick ? ¨My second pick would be the 1987 Volkswagen Rabbit, the name just goes along with the little car perfectly.¨
Why is that your next pick, and what about it ? ¨This is my next pick because it's convertible and I like the inside of the car along with the size and shape .¨
What color would you want each of these cars to be and why? I would want my bell air to be in the classic neon pink or classic blue and My Volkswagen rabbit in their special Volkswagen rabbit white.